Tradewinds Hotel i Pago

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Ottoville Rd, 96799, Pago, Tualauta, AS American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1 684-699-1000
Latitude: -14.3357755, Longitude: -170.7305478
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Kommentar 5

  • Lookfinder Gamelol

    Lookfinder Gamelol



  • Athena H

    Athena H


    I've never stayed in the hotel, but the restaurant food is usually good.

  • Jocelin Sandoval

    Jocelin Sandoval


    Probably the worse hotel ever. As soon as we got into our room the bathroom wall was covered in ants. We took a nap and woke up to cockroaches. When we let the lady at the front desk know she was rude and had no costumer service skills. She told me that what did I expect I was on an island. I told her I wanted something to be done. She said she would send house keepers to spray in the room. It didn't help so I told them I wanted a different room, that one was even worse. Cockroaches all over the place. We would get out of the shower and walk around while getting ready and then the bottom of our feet were black. The carpet was so stained and dirty. It looks like it was never cleaned. When we would go eat in the restaurant inside the hotel there was insects all over tables and menus. I know it's an island. I had just been to western Samoa and another island. Our rooms there we would open the door and be right out side there wasn't a lobby like in Trandwinds. I expected to see cockroaches there and we didn't see any. But this hotel is suppose to be a nice hotel but it was the worst. I don't recommend it at all.

  • Vegeta Le Henaff

    Vegeta Le Henaff


    Is a u.s place it look fun

  • Laauli Tima

    Laauli Tima


    cable sucks and need to upgrade the Ethernet. It is to slow

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