Pago Airport Inn i Tafuna

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Tafuna, Western District 96799, American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1 684-699-6333
Latitude: -14.3307233, Longitude: -170.7269168
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Kommentar 5

  • Tiiroa Antonio

    Tiiroa Antonio


  • Poulima Iakopo

    Poulima Iakopo


    I do NOT recommend this place at all. First off, our room was not cleaned for 3 days straight. If you call taking out the trash cleaning, somebody needs to be retrained. Second, We were told cable was down but the funny thing is their TV at the front desk was working (cable) just fine. To top it off I was suppose to pick up a refund for 1 day and was told to call on Monday which i did and the phone just kept ringing. Thru out the day I called 3 times before heading to the airport. I work for one of the top hotels in Las Vegas, Nevada and after going thru this experience. NEVER AGAIN.

  • Cherrelle Tanuvasa

    Cherrelle Tanuvasa


    I do not recommend this Hotel to anyone !!! It’s really dirty , and Customer Service is bad. It’s too expensive for the condition that this hotel is in , & they do not maintain and up keep the hotel. The bathroom is horrible . This hotel doesnt deserve a 5 star it deserves 0 stars !!!!!!

  • Rome Faapouli

    Rome Faapouli


    looking for a quiet place to stay while in vacation or business trip... this is the place to be... quiet... affordable... and great service...

  • LaydeeDuce



    my home sweet home

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