Yahweh Coffee House i Fagatogo

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Fagatogo, Eastern District 96799, American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1 684-633-0210
Latitude: -14.2777049, Longitude: -170.6897638
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Kommentar 4

  • makelani roberts

    makelani roberts


    Best coffee and espresso's on island. They also have great baked goods to go with that coffee in the morning. Thumbs up!

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    Good place in town to stop in for a coffee, smoothie or snack. Nice and clean, coffee was Ok.

  • Lillian Roberts

    Lillian Roberts


    This place has such great coffee and such a cozy atmosphere!!! Highly recommended if you're visiting the island!!!!

  • Victoria Barker

    Victoria Barker


    This place is great! I highly recommend their breakfast sandwich: a bagel topped with a fried egg, cheese, and bacon and drizzled with syrup. It's only $3.95 which gives you plenty of extra cash to order a coffee drink or smoothie.

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