Super M i Pago Pago

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Route 1, 96799, Pago Pago, Ma'Oputasi, AS American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1-684
Latitude: -14.2730524, Longitude: -170.7034272
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Kommentar 5

  • Liwena Asiata

    Liwena Asiata


    They're aight they have things y might need....

  • barry patane

    barry patane


    They are convenient and has most of the things I need

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    Local convenience store. Most of the time I go in, the person at the register ignores you, and is busy talking to another employee, even though you're the only person standing in front of them at the register, waiting to pay.

  • jake jones

    jake jones


    I came in your bathroom

  • Marie Faatuala

    Marie Faatuala


    They have a laundromat, grocery store, and a fast food restaurant in between. The fast food place has a seating for about 5 people. Parking is limited. They are super generous with the food, big portions. I wonder if that's why many people go there. Laundromat is always busy and there is a lot of machines both wash and dry and they keep them in working order. Grocery store has fresh produce, they sell some bulk stuffs, and friendly workers.

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