Oasis i Tafuna

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Tafuna, Western District 96799, American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1 684-699-5245
Latitude: -14.3260121, Longitude: -170.7208178
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Kommentar 5

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    I came here to try their delicious ulu pancakes, which uses ulu (breadfruit) flour manufactured locally. Their Korean bibimbap dish is fantastic. The layout is a bit confusing if you've never been here before as there are several sections. Dining area with bar, another area with 4-5 billiard tables, and a bigger bar area where they hold functions with live bands. Jazz fest here was pretty nice with great performances by local singers and musicians.

  • PhoebeInnocencio MEMO

    PhoebeInnocencio MEMO


  • Faalua Tafaoa

    Faalua Tafaoa


    Bar n grill, good food, love the pupu at this place and is connected to a club that opens at 11pm, they sometimes have live music. Good spot to chill, they have bollards as well

  • Marie Faatuala

    Marie Faatuala


    A great place to hang out and absolutely love their food. A bit pricey but heck, food was good. It was inviting, and it attracts all kinds of crowd. They also have karaoke, can play pool(you need to give them your drivers license to get the white ball(ball-breaker??) Lol in order to play pool and make sure you have quarters (4 or 5 pool tables), an open bar, and another bar on the other side ( not sure what the name is Bowling Alley) and the kitchen closes at 9:30pm I believe. I also think you can call in to do take out. Anyways, pretty cool place for ages 18+ during the evening. Lol

  • Victoria Barker

    Victoria Barker


    Oasis doubles as a nightclub, often referred to as the bowling alley, at night. Good music and drinks. Can do karaoke and food on the Oasis side and then dance on the bowling alley side.

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