Amouli Beach Fales i Amouli

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Route 1, Amouli, Sa'Ole, AS American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1 684-254-2050
Latitude: -14.274628, Longitude: -170.5799767
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Kommentar 3

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    Quiet, out of the way location.

  • Malouzaldy Reyes

    Malouzaldy Reyes


    The owner are friendly . Cottage are expensive

  • Dima Zemsky

    Dima Zemsky


    Unlike Samoa, American Samoa has not embraced the fale lodging concept much. Besides Amouli, there are only a couple other places with fales available and Amouli is probably the most basic one - just three fales on the beach along with some picnic tables. Very basic toilet and shower across the street. Lights and electricity available, however their website mentions WiFi and, not surprisingly, it hasn’t been working in a while. There are two small grocery stores in neighboring viallages, about half a mile away. The nearest restaurant is a few villages away (not walking distance) and does not open up until 10am so you will have to get creative with your breakfasts. The location and the beach are beautiful, the sunrise is amazing, and the sand is nice. However, it is not a swimming beach - the water is pretty shallow, especially during low tide and there is lots of rocks and coral everywhere. At high tide, there are a couple of spots you can get in and bobble around for a bit, but the undercurrents are very strong and you’ll be thrown against the coral at no time. In short, it’s a very basic accommodation in a very beautiful setting with very accommodating hosts.

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