Ace Hardware Store i Malaeimi

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Malaeimi, Western District 96799, American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1 684-699-9770
Latitude: -14.3179544, Longitude: -170.7367832
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Kommentar 5

  • Dana Ili

    Dana Ili


    Great customer service and it's easy to find what you need. I appreciate the men that help take your shopping out to the car and even tie down large items to your car if needed.

  • michael nix

    michael nix


    Ace carry Ace product that say "life time Warranty" when you confront them about it, they tell say you only get 30 days warranty. When you buy a weed eater or a generator and then they don't carry that products anymore, when you take it in for service they tell you they no longer carry the parts for it anymore and try to se) you their other product. I informed them if you sell a product by law, you have to carry the parts to repair.

  • James Chapman

    James Chapman


    Terrific store to shop. Ace recognizes and honors Veterans, Active Military Personnel, Reservists & National Guards. Prices are affordable, sales are super Ace. They are giving to the Communities and catastrophic events.

  • Melanie Solaita

    Melanie Solaita


    Very pleased with the friendly service. ACE is definitely the place for me.

  • Marie Faatuala

    Marie Faatuala


    Bought a gas grill here and asked if we can take the display one and they said yes. Saved us time from trying to set it up. Anyways, it's a great place to shop at if you're looking for cookware, household materials, etc... They accept credit/debit/cash. Make sure to have your receipt with you because they will check it at the door. It's wide selection of things in the store and it's pretty much updated. Plenty of parking.

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