Sadie's Restaurant and Bar i Pago Pago

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Utulei Beach 1, 96799, Pago Pago, Ma'Oputasi, AS American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1 684-633-5900
Latitude: -14.2764755, Longitude: -170.6927092
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Kommentar 5

  • Lisa Edwards

    Lisa Edwards


    Elegant setting, the food is exemplary, and the staff are some of the kindest and warmest people I have encountered

  • Ruben Stemple

    Ruben Stemple


    Food was good but overpriced. Atmosphere is nice but there are better options on the island.

  • Joshua Polonowski

    Joshua Polonowski


  • Marie Faatuala

    Marie Faatuala


    Went here for lunch with co-workers. The food was amazing. Clam chowder was good enough to put me into a sleep because it was that good. Our server was very helpful and friendly. The downside to our lunch was, their card machine wasn't working. They do accept credit/debit but make sure to have cash with you. There is parking but it's pretty limited, 3-4 cars fit in that parking lot but there's parking across the road. Good place for a group, 2-3 people, and the atmosphere is inviting.

  • Danny De Lara

    Danny De Lara


    W/ my wife having dinner

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