Paradise Pizza i Pago Pago

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Pago Pago, Eastern District 96799, American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1 684-644-7492
Latitude: -14.2707105, Longitude: -170.6976834
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Kommentar 5

  • michael nix

    michael nix


    It's a nice place for breakfast and lunch, but as for dinner there menu don't have any but 3 selections. Id go to Sadies for dinner at least you could have mash patatos.

  • George Medley

    George Medley


    Been to this establishment several times. Normally, I would be pleased with their normal patterns, Saturday was another story. Somewhere it came out the store had been promised for a birthday or something of that sort There were no signs that indicated the store would be closing. Thus it came to pass that part of our party was not permitted to order. I guess the estimate I can say is I was disappointed.

  • Faalua Tafaoa

    Faalua Tafaoa


    Wonderful environment great food at affordable prices. Family oriented love this place

  • Zachary Emery

    Zachary Emery


    On two separate occasions I ordered a cheese pizza and was given pepperoni. Both times I politely asked for a new one, as I am vegetarian and can't eat pepperoni. Both times the waitor just picked off the pepperoni and tried to cover it up by melting cheese on it. When I confronted them about this after finding stray pieces of pepperoni still on there, they lied and said they had remade the pizza. DO NOT EAT HERE! The quality varies greatly every visit and one of the waitors is very disrespectful.

  • Marie Faatuala

    Marie Faatuala


    Been here once and the food was good. My friend got the seafood pasta and I had the fish and chips. I would definitely go back here to try their pizza. Credit/debit payment accepted. Friendly faces greet you and it's an inviting place that makes you feel comfortable. They have enough parking and seating for a group or 2 people.

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Famous II Seafood Restaurant

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