Emelio's Restaurant i Pago Pago

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Pago Pago, Eastern District 96799, American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1 684-633-0773
Latitude: -14.273616, Longitude: -170.7017262
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Kommentar 5

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    Large portions at very reasonable prices.

  • Kolina H

    Kolina H


    Best Home Cooked Meals.

  • Ashlee Pomele

    Ashlee Pomele


    Delicious food, large portions, good price! We will go back!

  • 思寻




  • Marie Faatuala

    Marie Faatuala


    They do take credit/debit cards. Seating for 20 people(estimate), friendly workers and servers too and inviting atmosphere. They do sell manapua at 9am both fried and the original ones. The food is good from the times that I visited the restaurant. It is located at the Pago Plaza and it's upfront. You can't miss it. They also serve desserts and I never had any desserts because I'm too full from the yummy food. They also have specials so check that out or ask. They do close at 2:30pm (I think). Anyways, this was from a visit in 2016. Their menu might change so make sure to check them out. Also check out their Facebook page for more info. Aloha.

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