American Samoa Community College i Mesepa

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Mesepa, Western District 96799, American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1 684-699-9155
Latitude: -14.3222987, Longitude: -170.7419422
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Kommentar 5

  • Stephen Chase

    Stephen Chase


    Best US territorial college ever!!!!!!

  • Marie Faatuala

    Marie Faatuala


    Graduated here in Spring 2010. Great teachers, the registration was a nightmare though because you need to be there early before the classes are filled but everything worked out. There is parking but the local buses are also available but not after 3pm. Buses are heading to the canneries at this time to pick up or drop off passangers working there. might be hard to catch one. Library available, cafeteria, computer labs, and seating places to either do your home works or wait until your next class. There are restaurants across the school and nearby businesses. There is also a Land Grant that students can go there to use the computer lab, a gym, and other cool stuffs.

  • Chris senefili

    Chris senefili


    The school is great, it's just the register process takes too long. I hope they have an online protocol to make the process fast.

  • Kentucky Chiller

    Kentucky Chiller


    The best Collage on Earth:) Ask Saul Godmen ;)

  • Peter Klein

    Peter Klein


    It was hard work but by working evenings and during breaks I managed to get my law degree here!!!!!!!111111

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