Samus Ice Cream i Utulei

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Route 1, 96799, Utulei, Ma'Oputasi, AS American Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +1 684-633-5520
Latitude: -14.2829248, Longitude: -170.680831
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Kommentar 5

  • Ruben Stemple

    Ruben Stemple


    Great ice cream. Try the pistachio

  • Lisa Edwards

    Lisa Edwards


    This is the best pistachio ice cream I've ever had in my whole life, and watching hermit crabs on the beach right across the street while I ate it was pretty fantastic also

  • michael nix

    michael nix


    I have eatten Samu's ice cream for over 40 years and it is still the same taste as it was the first time. Its Original, and its homemade my kids loves it.

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    Good spot by the beach to grab a quick bite and some ice cream.

  • Marie Faatuala

    Marie Faatuala


    Different flavors and all are very oh so yummy! The only ice cream store that I know that makes their own. It is located in a gas station in Utulei where you can gas up your car and pick up these yummy treat.

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